
Rylin Meredith

Elijah Fisher

Eli Kresge

Ora Painter

Braxton Joseph

Andrew Fisher

Luca Hoagland

Tiffany Mendoza Cando

About Us


85.3% White Non-Hispanic; 38.7% Economically Disadvantaged; 18.4% Students with Disabilities ; 4.1% Black Non-Hispanic; 6.4% Hispanic


Grades K-5; 326 Students -Nestled in the neighborhood at the end of Ninth Street.

Staff Facts

33 Teachers; 71.5% hold Master's Degrees

Attendance Rate


Excellence in Prevention

Platinum Level School of Excellence in Prevention

Panorama Data

Ranked near the 90% percentile nationally for Teacher-Student Relationships based on Spring 2022 results.

MAP Data

Students made an average of 14.8 points of growth in Math and 12.5 points of growth in Reading during the 2021-2022 school year.


Respectful - Responsible - Problem Solvers - Peacemakers

partners in education