In February, fourteen students in Mrs. DiMasso-Shininger’s Creative Writing class entered a Young Writers USA contest by writing a 100-word mini-saga around the theme of a “glitch.” All of the students’ stories were accepted for publication! This is the second time Mrs. DS has had students enter the contest, and on both occasions, all students were selected.

This anthology, called The Glitch - A Flaw in Fiction, will go to print on July 31, 2024. The title of their mini-saga is included.

Thank you Mrs. DiMasso-Shininger for celebrating your students' writing and providing a real-world opportunity for them to demonstrate their learning. #FeelingValued

The Glitch, A Creative Writing Contest for Middle and High School Students. A sudden shift, a twist of fate, and BAM! Everything Changes...
Danecca Aaron, “Walking Backwards”
Cole Abbot, “The Sun Shadow Incident”
Zoe Bowers, “Familial Flames”
Allie Fries, “The Drowning Society”
Hareth Khalil, “The Fiery Rescue” (a special congrats for Hareth’s SECOND publication)
Addison Leber, “Hole in the Ocean”
Anthony Luckett, “Eternal Sunshine”
Whitely Malott, “Memory Loss”
Mariah Miles, “Shift in Time”
Melanie Owen, “Lost Guardian”
Breanna Ramberger, “The Missed Date”
Heather Swanson, “Don’t Move”
Jordan White, “Vanished”
Alayna Wright, “Back in Time”