In the interest of motivating students to think and reflect on skills and strategies that support academic achievement, Mr. Curry's Pre-AP classes engaged in a LEGO Information Intake Activity during the Freshmen Phase-in Day. Students worked in groups and were given 20 random LEGO pieces and 2 minutes to create a vehicle. After 2 minutes, students were given 10 more pieces and 90 seconds to build a house. After 90 seconds, students were given 10 more LEGO pieces and another 90 seconds to make a person.
The following day, students responded to a survey and participated in a class discussion about how they processed the different pieces and challenges, how they organized their pieces, how they collaborated to meet the challenge, and what they needed or could have done differently to impact the outcome.
Thank you Mr. Curry for making the very first day with your students ENGAGING and COLLABORATIVE. #ConstantlyGrowing