Offers half day programming
AM- 8:55-11:45
PM- 12:55-3:45
4 days per week
Thank you for your interest in preschool with Miamisburg City Schools. We are pleased to offer expanded services to families in our community in partnership with Miami Valley Child Development Centers. We are excited to have the opportunity to allow more children access to quality early childhood programming Spots are limited in all locations.
There are two unique preschool opportunities within Miamisburg City Schools.
Enrollment for 2025-2026 begins on March 3, 2025!
If you are interested in enrolling for the current 2024-2025 school year, you may contact the schools below directly for information on the current 2024-2025 waiting lists.

In partnership with MVCDC
Offers full day programming
5 days per week

In partnership with MVCDC
Offers full day programming
5 days per week